Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Cutest!

I'm pretty sure that as his mother, I can claim Calum as the cutest baby ever!  Not only is he the cutest, but he is the best.  He is so well-natured.  He rarely complains, or cries, he loves to eat almost all foods, he's not demanding.  My only complaint about this baby is that he doesn't care much for sleeping. 

 Look at this guy! Is he not the cutest?!


  1. He really is the cutest...! I took care of a little kiddo in the hospital the other day that reminded me so much of Calum. It broke my heart having to put a feeding tube in the little guy. So grateful everyone is healthy and strong! Our families have been really blessed. He is getting so big...

  2. Ha ha he is so cute, I can't say he's the cutest...a little cutie already took that spot for me, but! he's second on my list. ;) jk. I think our babies really are the most adorable I've ever seen!!!!! I wish Bridger and Calum could play more. :( gosh. you guys just live so dang far away... I love that last picture, that is SO cute. :) ha ha.
